Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dealing with Breaktime and Injuries

Parents, please make sure your kids know that at no time will any Fort Hunt Rugby coach give them a hard time, yell, or otherwise make them feel bad if they feel unwell, thirsty, hot, tired, or are injured. If a player needs a break, then they should take it immediately.

Summer is here, and the weather already is hot, and it will get hotter. If a player needs to take a heat or water break, then by all means they should do so. We will break a minimum of every 30 minutes during practice (6:30, 7:00, and 7:30), and more often if the players request it and/or if the weather requires it. If a player needs water or to cool down, they need to do just that.

For injuries, players need to immediately tell a coach if they feel they've been injured. We have basic medical kit with us at every practice and game, and can effect some treatment immediately. If the injury is more severe, we will make immediate decisions on what needs to be done (senior coaches have training in basic evaluation and emergency action). We can do none of this if the player does not communicate this to us.

The coaches will reinforce this message at practices.

--Coach Dacey

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