Fort Hunt Rugby will be hosting a FREE, come-one/come-all youth rugby clinic at Collingwood Park every day, 4:00-6:00 pm, during the Fairfax County Public Schools spring break, 6-10 April.
Collingwood Park is between Collingwood Road and Wellington Road on the immediate east side of the GW Memorial Parkway, south of Alexandria.
This clinic will be touch-only; there will be no tackle drills or play.
This clinic is open to any youth, 7-17, boys or girls. Boys and girls will play together during both drills and game play.
Each day we'll go over basics and skills for the first hour, and will play real touch rugby matches in the second hour.
Equipment: players should show up with a pair of studded sports shoes. Football boots (cleats) must have the toe stud removed/shaved off. Players should have a sturdy pair of shorts and a t-shirt or jersey (weather-appropriate), and a water bottle. A mouthguard is strongly recommended, but is not required (although we will not be playing tackle, we will be running a lot and in close proximity; collisions do happen).
A parent/legal guardian must sign an agreement/waiver/release for each clinic participant.
After practice on Friday the 10th, we will host a free, traditional rugby social for all players, siblings and especially moms and dads, with Fort Hunt Rugby stuff for sale to raise funds for the organization.
Volunteers: We'd love to have lots of help running the clinic, and for the social on Friday. Please help out.
For more information contact John Dacey at 703-780-5859 or rugby007@aol.com.